Condat Lubricants
For supply of TBM greases, oils and ground conditioning agents
Since the English Channel tunnel project, Condat has participated in the construction of more than 3,000km of tunnels throughout the world by developing a range of specific products for:
Earth pressure tunnelling machines
Slurry pressure tunnelling machines
Air pressure tunnelling machines
Rock tunnelling machines
Pipe jacking
Pentagon Pacific represents Condat Lubricants in Australia and New Zealand, and promote their range of consumable tunnelling products to project clients, contractors and sub-contractors throughout this region.
Condat Lubricants produce a full range of biodegradable and non polluting products for TBMs. Condat products have been used on all Tunnel Boring operations in Australia and New Zealand over the last decade and are currently specified or being used on major infrastructure projects throughout the rest of the world.